Research profiles

Research profiles


Network collaborators have the opportunity to work with the OTN communications team to develop a profile or story showcasing their research. Science communication can enhance the visibility and impact of aquatic telemetry and boost project recognition.

Benefits of a research profile

  • Professionally edited, published and distributed 
  • Can be added to a CV, portfolio and/or lab website
  • Communicates and disseminates research in an accessible and engaging way

OTN members have been featured in the Canada Foundation for Innovation 20th anniversary ‘Research Builds Communities’ campaign, National Geographic, and other notable publications. 

Profiles are an avenue for  effectively communicating your research, developing connections in the scientific community, and expanding the scope and impact of your work.


Benjamin Hlina

Benjamin Hlina

RESEARCHER Benjamin Hlina, Postdoctoral fellow  Country Canada  Institution University of Windsor and Ontario Ministry...

Morgan Piczak

Morgan Piczak

RESEARCHER Morgan Piczak, Liber Ero and NSERC postdoctoral fellow Country Canada Institution Dalhousie University...

Matt Futia

Matt Futia

RESEARCHER Matt Futia, Postdoctoral fellow Country United States Institution University of Vermont Freshwater body...

Knut Wiik Vollset

Knut Wiik Vollset

RESEARCHER Knut Wiik Vollset, Professor Country Norway Institution Norwegian Research Centre Ocean AtlanticKnut Wiik...

Lucas Griffin

Lucas Griffin

RESEARCHER Lucas Griffin, Assistant professor Country United States Institution University of South Florida Ocean...

Petter Lundberg

Petter Lundberg

RESEARCHER Petter Lundberg, Postdoctoral fellow Country Sweden Institution Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences...

Rafid Shidqi

Rafid Shidqi

RESEARCHER Rafid Shidqi, PhD student Country Indonesia Institution Duke University / Thresher Shark Indonesia Ocean...

Jena Edwards

Jena Edwards

RESEARCHER Jena Edwards, PhD student Country The Netherlands Institution Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research...

Vivian Nguyen

Vivian Nguyen

RESEARCHER Vivian Nguyen, MITACS Science policy fellow at Natural Resources Canada Country Canada Institution Carleton...

Sue L’Orsa

Sue L’Orsa

RESEARCHER Sue L’Orsa, Glider technician Country Canada Institution Dalhousie University Ocean Atlantic Students and...

Franziska Broell

Franziska Broell

RESEARCHER Franziska Broell, Postdoctoral scholar and CEO of Maritime bioLoggers Country Canada Institution Dalhousie...

Joanna Mills Flemming

Joanna Mills Flemming

RESEARCHER Dr. Joanna Mills Flemming, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Country Canada Institution...

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